Thursday, March 24, 2011

Roommates are LOL?

Today's story is done in a new art style. Let me know if you peeps like the ol' MS Paint version better.
I was out for most of the night. When I returned, I opened the door and was greeted by a rather distinct smell. The kind of aroma only something spawned in the deepest, blackest caverns of hell could envision. Like any good friend would do, I wasted no time in walked a few doors down the hallway to find my friend Chris. “Dude! Come look what I did to my room! It’s awesome man!” Chris wasn’t terribly amused by my ploy. It all worked out in the end when he realized that we could repeat the joke on our friend Thomas.

Thomas too wasn’t amused but he then remembered our friend Daniel.

I had created a something beautiful. A self-cascading work of greatness. It seemed as if it only took 10 minutes before everyone on my floor had smelled the dire aroma.

It wasn't the best start to a relationship with someone you’re going to be living in the same room with. At any rate I soon enough became at least passing friends with him. He was the stereotype of the "weird smelly kid." I would sometimes have to remind him about things that most of us take for granted.

I eventually found out that he was a massive Dungeons and Dragons fan. He didn’t just play the original, he was into all the spin-off versions, particularly “Vampire, the Masquerade.” He would sometimes be out for days then when he would come back he would tell me the stories of his quests. The stories were also in first person.

Upon learning how he retold the stories I developed a problem. I HAD to have him relive them so I could share them with the world. I was always terribly excited every time he would disappear because I knew there would be a new tale on the horizon shortly.

One night he told me “I was a Street-Samurai.” I knew this time was pay-dirt. "oh that's cool man. So did you like... use a katana to beat faces in?" I pictured the stereotype samurai.

"Nah man, a Street-Samurai dual wields katanas and they train to take heavy impacts. I chose to be a troll so I can take extra heavy impact. Couple that with the body armor that I wear and I'm nearly indestructible."

..... A troll-Street-Samurai. Nice! "Man that is AWESOME! What did you guys do??" He and his crew were breaking into a high security bunker. I forget why, probably to rescue a princess or some such noble cause of the like.

"We were stuck at the bunker door. We tried everything we could think of, we hit it with our swords, we shot at it, we tried some dynamite but we couldn't get through. But then I remembered something. Do you know what I remembered Scott?" "Oh.. uh... You forgot your cyborg friend at home?" "No. I remembered that I AM A TROLL STREET SAMURAI! I told everybody to clear out of the way because I was going to body slam the door in!"

And against all rational odds...


"Well I walked inside first and I quickly came to a 'T' in the hallway. To my left was about 40 guys with machine guns and to my right was another 40 guys with machine guns. They could tell that I wasn't supposed to be in there so they opened fire. Do you know what I did Scott?"
"Died from multiple gunshot wounds?"
"No, I stood there like this:

"What they didn't realize is that their bullets hit my skin and fell straight to the ground. I had too much damage reduction for them to even scratch me. As they began to realize their bullets had no effect slowly they stopped shooting. You know what I said next Scott?"
"Bitches be crazy?"
"No, I said 'MY TURN!' then I pulled out my swords and killed them all."

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